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Why should I register on Clothes4U.in ?

Register for quick checkout, easy order tracking, and saving shipping addresses and personal details for future purchases directly from Clothes4U. 

What happens in case of order delays or cancellations?

We aim to deliver within the expected delivery date, but delays may occur. Please email us at newhatchassociates@gmail.com with your tracking number for assistance. 

What should I do if my order arrives damaged?

If the order is visibly damaged, return it on arrival and email our Customer Care team at newhatchassociates@gmail.com to notify them. 

How does the return process work?

You can request a return after 48 hours of receiving the product and within 15 days of delivery. Once processed, the pickup will be from the address you provided.

How do I register when I visit clothes4u.in?

By creating a username and password for the website, you can quickly and easily create your own Cloth4U account. To make it simpler to remember, we suggest you use your email address as your username. You can create your username even if you don't have an email address. Ensure that your password contains at least six digits. 

Could you please help me reset my password/username?

Simply clicking the "Forgot password" link will send you an automated email with instructions on resetting your password if you have forgotten it. Email is the simplest method for retrieving a forgotten username.