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This is the Clothes4U privacy statement ("Clothes4U," "us", "we," and "our"). This statement describes collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information when you visit or purchase from Clothes4U. The interested party informed that the company would process personal data obtained via the website using IT and/or telematics for the purposes outlined in this policy.  


To this purpose, the user is presented with the privacy statement issued by Clothes4U, the author and promoter of the website's operations. If you have any questions about our privacy policies, please contact us at newhatchassociates@gmail.com. Priority is given to safeguarding your confidential information. This privacy statement applies to Clothes4U and governs the data gathering and usage practices. Unless otherwise specified, any references to Clothes4U for this privacy policy.  



By utilizing our website, subscribing to our newsletter, making a complaint, withdrawing from the contract, or contacting us directly. You submit us with your personal information, and we guarantee that it will stay private, secure, and inaccessible to third parties without your consent. We only entrust the processing of personal data to businesses that have been thoroughly vetted and with whom we have established a high level of confidence. We use Google Analytics, which collects information about your website visits, such as the subpages that have been visited, the time spent on the website, and the transitions between specific subpages. The Google Analytics service employs cookies for this reason. As part of the method for adjusting cookie settings, you have the opportunity to determine whether or not we can employ marketing functions as part of the Google Analytics service.  

Information We Gather  

We utilize the information you provide in various ways, the specifics of which are determined by the information. The following identifying information about you will be collected from you. Details about how to contact you, such as your first and last name, phone number, email address, and physical address. Moreover, we may record information about your Internet Protocol (IP) address.  

Personal Data Usage  

  • We may process information regarding how you utilize our website and services ("usage data"). The usage data may consist of (your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views, website navigation paths, as well as information about the timing, frequency, and pattern of your service use) Our analytics tracking system provides the usage information. This data may be handled to assess how the website and its services are utilized.   
  • We may process data in any inquiry you submit relating to goods and/or services ("inquiry data"). The inquiry data may be processed to provide, promote, and/or sell you relevant foods and/or services. The legal basis for this processing is the performance of a contract between you and us or, at your request, taking steps to enter into a contract.  
  • We may treat any of your data outlined in this policy if required to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims, whether in court proceedings or administrative or out-of-court procedures. Our legitimate interests, namely the protection and assertion of our legal rights, your legal rights, and the legal rights of others, serve as the legal foundation for this process.  
  • We may process any of your personal information outlined in this policy if required for obtaining or maintaining insurance coverage, managing risks, or receiving professional advice. This processing is based on our legitimate interests, notably the protection of our business from potential threats.  
  • In addition to the specific purposes outlined in this section, we may treat your personal information for the following reasons: We may also treat any of your data where such processing is essential for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject or to safeguard your or another natural person's vital interests.  
  • Do not provide us with the personal information of any other individual unless we specifically request it from you.  


Information Sharing  

We do not sell or rent our customers' personal information to a third party. Clothes4U will only disclose your personal information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:  

  • Ensure that the website complies with the edicts of the law or comply with the legal process served on Clothes4U.  
  • Defend and protect the rights of Clothes4U.  
  • Act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Clothes4U or the public.  


Cookies are small text files containing a user's anonymous, unique identification. Cookie files are saved on your computer's hard drive by websites. This cookie is created when registering or providing personal information on various sections of the Fashion for Good website. By setting this cookie, Fashion for Good will remember your information, so you do not have to re-enter it the next time you visit our website.  


Email is not considered a secure communication method. Due to this, we ask that you not give us any confidential information by email. But, this is permitted at your own risk. Some of the information you input on our website may be communicated via Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), a secure protocol. Clothes4U may use software programs to generate summary statistics, which are used for such purposes as assessing the number of visitors to the various sections of our website, identifying which information is of most and slightest interest, determining technical design specifications, and locating system performance or problem areas. To maintain website security and guarantee that this service stays accessible to all users. We employ software tools to monitor network traffic to discover unauthorized attempts to upload or modify data, which may otherwise cause harm. Your personal information is protected against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.  

Your Consent  

You permit us to handle potentially personally-identifying information when there is no other contractual connection between us, such as when you explore our website or request further information about our business, including our services.  

  • Wherever feasible, we attempt to gain your express agreement to handle this information by requesting your permission to utilize cookies.  
  • Occasionally, you may provide your consent implicitly, such as when you send us an email to which you would reasonably anticipate a reply.  
  • Unless you approve of our use of your information for a specific reason, we do not use your information to identify you personally. Clothes4U may aggregate it and use it to give class information, for instance, to track the performance of a particular page on our website.  

Clothes4U continues to treat your information following this policy until you withdraw your consent or it is reasonable to believe that your consent no longer exists. You may revoke your permission anytime by contacting us at newhatchassociates@gmail.com. If you do so, you may no longer be able to access our website or utilize our services.  

Payment Related Info  

Clothes4U does not save information on your debit card, credit card, or any other payment method that you give. Clothes4U keeps (at your request) payment information to make repeat purchases of products and services simpler the next time you visit our website. In addition, we may save the information to prevent fraudulent transactions.  

How long we store your data  

Except as otherwise specified in this privacy statement, Clothes4U only retains your personal information for as long as is necessary for the following purposes: to provide the services you have requested, to comply with other laws, including for the period required by our tax authorities, and to support a claim or defense in court.  

Law Compliance  

Our privacy policy has been drafted in such a way that it complies with the legislation of India and the legal jurisdiction of every other nation in which we want to conduct business. We will want to hear from you if you believe that it does not fulfill the legislation in your jurisdiction and that you live in. Yet, the decision to use or not utilize our website lies solely in your hands at the end of the day.  

Data Removal  

You may contact us if you'd like us to delete personally identifying information you've posted on our website newhatchassociates@gmail.com. Please be aware that this may prevent us from providing you with the full scope of services.  


Clothes4U retains the authority to alter either our privacy policies or our unusual practices relating to them.  


You can contact us with any questions about the Privacy policy  by emailing us at newhatchassociates@gmail.com.