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The shipping options may change depending on the delivery location, the time of day you place your order, and the item's availability.  When we finish processing your transaction, we will provide you with a summary of the various shipping options, the associated fees, and the expected delivery date for your order.  The estimated delivery time will be between two to eight working days, depending on the delivery location.  Please remember we can only ship the products on working days (when post offices remain open).   


You can anticipate receiving email updates from us alerting you of the status of your order as it moves through the fulfilment process.  

The section of the website labeled "My Account" also gives users access to the aforementioned information. The link in the confirmation email labeled "Order Information" will allow you to track the status of your order even if you have not yet registered for an account.   


You can always communicate with us. You will be given information regarding any delivery restrictions that may apply to your address at the time of purchase. This information will be sent to you via email or SMS.   


Several different distribution hubs may fulfil your order simultaneously, meaning you will receive your order in parts. If this happens, you will receive an email about everything included in each shipment.